Pillar 2
Nutritional health
and wellness care
Directly in the community, through home care visits and active search in anthropometric censuses in order to reduce the invisibility of children with malnutrition and obesity.
In the outpatient clinic, with care by a multidisciplinary team including speech therapists, nutritionists, pediatricians, psychologists, and physical education professionals.
In the day boarding school, for children under 6 years old in an Early Childhood Education Center (CEI) model.
In the latter type of care, in addition to the educational curriculum proposed by the city, children receive five meals with minimally processed and mostly organic foods and participate in Food and Nutrition Education activities according to their age and development.
With the Care Instruction, at the end of the follow-up by CREN, children and adolescents, along with their families, are expected to improve their eating habits; increase the time spent on physical activities and reduce sedentary behavior; expand their relationship networks; reduce the prevalence of comorbidities associated with obesity and malnutrition; and improve their anthropometric indicators.
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Pillar 1
integration of education,
research and public policy
Pillar 3
innovation, consulting
and transformation
Our supporters and partners
CREN Vila Mariana
Rua das Azaléas, 244, Mirandópolis
São Paulo - SP - Brazil
(11) 3218-2410
CREN Vila Jacuí Padre Ticão
Rua Um, 32, Jd.Matarazzo
São Paulo - SP - Brazil
(11) 3218-2430 | (11) 2541-5206